Welcome to dizzy hill Games
If you're looking for us, then you've come to the right place.
Below is a quick guide to all things Dizzy Hill. Looking for our games...you're in luck! Want to learn how to play our games...We have you covered! Want to learn about our little family run business...well, wouldn't you know, we have that too!
Take a look around, and let us know if you need anything else.

Dinosaur Rally is more than just a game, it's a world filled with dinosaurs who love to race and have fun. Our four main racers are the best of friends, but also the closest of competitors.
Our first Dinosaur Rally adventure is a board game that is face paced and filled with fun. Take your turns racing around our prehistoric track, while trying to avoid crashing into each other. With caution flags, turbo boosts and the ability to leap into first place at the roll of a dice, our game was built to keep kids engaged, and ensure the whole family is having fun.
Meet the Crew

Nitro is the fearless leader of the crew, steering them toward endless advenure.

Fuego is a fun-loving prankster, who is always looking for a little innocent mischief.

Bash is an adventure seeking daredevil, who isn't afraid to take jumps and explore caves.

Comet is the engineer of the group, always coming up with new gadgets and upgrades.
Our Rainbow Unicorn series of games is just as much about Dr. No Fun, and the other Unicorn Forest characters as it is about Rainbow Unicorns.
Dr. No Fun is an evil genius who wants to eliminate joy and fun. So he's made it his mission to capture all the Rainbow Unicorns because...well, they bring fun and joy to kids everywhere. According to Dr. No Fun, if he doesn't have any fun, than no one else should have any either.
The various characters living in the magical Unicorn forest have made it their mission to work together to protect that Rainbow Unicorns from Dr. No Fun, through a series of misadventures.

How To Play Videos
"Rainbow Unicorn Rescue"
"Rainbow Unicorn Match Game"
"Dinosaur Rally"
Other Videos
About dizzy hill
Our family run company all started out by pure happenstance when our two daughters created what is now "Rainbow Unicorn Rescue" out of some markers, scratch paper and tape.
We never intended to turn their game into a real business, but after a lot of good fortune and luck, here we are.
If you want to learn more about how we got here, just tap the button below. Go on...Give it a shot.