
How to Play...
Rainbow Unicorn Rescue

"Rainbow Unicorn Rescue" is our original game that spawned our beatiful, family-run business. Created by two sisters, "Rainbow Unicorn Rescue" is the perfect game for your family. It plays fast, it's simple and fun, and it lets you make ridiculous animal sounds. Ready to learn how to play?

How to Play...
Rainbow Unicorn Match Game

"Rainbow Unicorn Match Game" is our 2nd game. By incorporating all our characters, the Match Game bring all the characters of our Rainbow Unicorn Universe to life. As the first memory match game with wild cards, we offer a unique experience that you won't find with any other memory match game in the market.  

How to Play...
Dinosaur Rally

"Dinosaur Rally" takes us out of the Rainbow Unicorn Universe, and into a world of race car driving Dinosaurs. In this fast-paced adventure, players pick their characters and try to be the first to cross the finish line. But be careful, there are plenty of surprises along the way.